Building round robins for 2-team-per-game tournaments

In a round robin, each team should play every other team exactly once. If there are two teams per game, this is relatively simple to achieve. Below is an example for a tournament with six teams.

First, each team plays the team immediately above/below them:

Team 1R G
3 GR
4 GR
5 GR
6 GR

After this, we can see that team 1 has played teams 2 and 6; team 2 has played teams 1 and 3; and so on.

Now we need the same again, but each team plays the team two spots above/below:

Team 1R G
2 R G
3G R
4 G R
5 G R
6 G R

After this, we can see that team 1 has played teams 3 and 5, and so on. So team 1 has now played every team except team 4.

So we need one more group, in which each team plays the team three spots above/below:

Team 1R
2 R
3 R
5 G
6 G

Note that for an even number of teams, this last group contains half as many games, because 1 versus 4 is the same as 4 versus 1.

Now every team has played every other team exactly once. For n teams each team plays n - 1 games (because they have n - 1 opponents, each of which they play once), and the whole tournament takes 1/2 n (n - 1) games.

Next, a bunch of tables showing round robins for specific numbers of teams. Note that in most of the following grids, the first group has been rearranged to minimise back-to-back games, where one team plays twice in a row.
