14 teams in the tournament.
3 teams play in each game.
7 or 8 games are played by each team.
33 games are played in the whole tournament.
Each team plays every other team at least once.

Games # RBG Who-plays-who .B.....B.R..R..B.....G.G...R..... 1 332 \1112111111212 R..R...G.........B.G....R......B. 2 322 1\111111112111 B.........G.......R.B....R.G..B.. 3 232 11\21111111111 G...R.B..G...B...........G...R... 4 223 112\1111111111 .R..........B.G..R....G..B..R.... 5 322 2111\111111111 .G...G..B..B........R........B.R. 6 232 11111\11121111 ..R..B.......G.G..B...R.B........ 7 232 111111\1111121 ..B.G.....R...B.B....R.........G. 8 232 1111111\211111 ..G.B..R............G.....R.G...B 9 223 11111112\11111 ...B....R.....R...G....B.....G..G 10 223 111112111\1111 ...G.R...B......G..R........B.G.. 11 223 1211111111\111 ......R.G.B.G..R...B......G...... 12 223 21111111111\11 ......G....R....R.....B.G..B....R 13 322 111111211111\1 ...........G.R...G...B.R..B...R.. 14 322 2111111111111\

This is a minimalist grid in which each team plays each team at least once. Some teams play each other more than once. The first team plays one more game than other teams.

Tournament Grids