12 teams in the tournament.
3 teams play in each game.
7 games are played by each team.
28 games are played in the whole tournament.
Each team plays every other team at least once.

Games # RBG Who-plays-who R..B..R....G.G..........B..R 1 322 \21122111111 B.....B.....R.R..G.G..R..... 2 322 2\1111211211 G.B.R..B.......B..R....G.... 3 232 11\111212112 .R.G...G..B...B.R........B.. 4 232 111\22112111 .B..G.G......R..B...B.....R. 5 232 2112\1111211 .G.R....B......R.B...G..R... 6 322 21121\111121 ..R....R.G..B.......R.B.G... 7 322 122111\21111 ..G..B...R......G..B.R.....G 8 223 1111112\1212 ....B...G.R.G.....B......R.B 9 232 11221111\121 .....R....G..B.G...R..G...B. 10 223 121121121\11 .....G..R..B.....R..G..B.G.. 11 223 1111121121\2 .........B.R..G...G..B.R..G. 12 223 11211112112\

This is a minimalist grid in which each team plays each team at least once. Some teams play each other more than once.

Tournament Grids